Believing In

S3 E1: Believing in Living Long

rachel.rachel Season 3 Episode 1

We are back!! It's been a while but I have ONE recording I'm super keen to get out and there will be more to come :)) New series, new questions - instead of love, purpose and happiness I'm asking my guests what they think about money, justice and tech within their belief system. 

My gorgeous guests today are Saffron and Aaya who are pals from secondary school and at 18 years old are starting out on their next steps in life. We had a lush chat and giggled a lot. We touch on topics of death and existential thoughts just as a heads up if you find these subjects difficult x 

Please get in touch if you are a listener! I'm on instagram @rachel.rachel___ and I need new followers ha xxxx 

Follow me on Instagram! @rachel.rachel___