Believing In

S4 E1: Believing in The Complexity of The Mind

rachel.rachel Season 4 Episode 1

It's been a while but I'm back with a new episode! Today I'm joined by Clark Mallon who is a Brit based in LA and has just completed a degree in Psychology. He was brought up in a Christian home and is not averse to prayer but is working out where psychology and spirituality align. We found out during the chat that we have a shared experience of OCD and the way it can affect thoughts around faith so for me personally it was really interesting and quite helpful to speak to a fellow OCD'er! Thanks to Clark for jumping on the pod, you can find his YouTube channel here: 

*Also if you are seeking any support for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, OCD-UK has a ton of information and resources, pls don't suffer in silence! 

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